Nature Protect Enterprises

Protecting nature, being natures helping hand.

About image
Nature Protect Enterprises based in Yorkshire, England is here to help our planet. We have been in business since 2015. We specialise in litter picking, and saving bugs. We have created many bug houses with the most famous one being The Leaf House. More info on the page Bug Houses. SAVE OUR PLANET!  

Litter Picking

We clear all beaches in England.

Bug Houses

Building bug houses all around Yorkshire

  • 28 Sherburn Avenue

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The Leaf House officially finished construction in Aug 2016 and is still standing. The Leaf House is estimated to hold around 6000 bugs native to the Uk. People visit The Leaf House everyday it can also be seen on google maps if you type in Bug House Billingham

You are allowed to visit The Leaf House (aka The Bug House) anytime no permission needed or payment.